The Simplified Guide To Content and Social-Media Marketing

Change can be challenging for some and totally paralyzing for others. It’s among the reasons so many dismiss the benefits of taking their business online. It’s easier to retreat than it is to keep up with the ever-evolving nature of the Internet and its boundless opportunities. There is, however, a simpler way of thinking of things and we offer a few of them below

Content is Conversation: Content is key when marketing your business online. But what is content? Well, instead of trying to break down the ins-and-outs of “content marketing,” imagine you’re having a conversation with a potential client. What types of things would you want to share with them? Maybe some news, a hot tip, a new deal? That’s your content. Blog posts, tweets, and Facebook updates needn’t be perfectly composed, crafty, clever, or even that creative. The only thing they need to be is relevant to the types of people you’d like to turn into customers.

Social Media is a Satellite: Think of your social-media profiles or blog as a satellite office. It’s your website away from home. It’s like an easily customized billboard that you have complete control over. Sure, it won’t replace your business website but it will become a place where you can communicate and connect with potential partners and future customers. Keep ’em professional and relevant to your target audience and they’ll become a vital part of how you do business and how you reach new business.

The Internet is Everywhere: Increasingly, people are accessing the Internet wherever they go and whenever they want. And with the popularity of products like the iPhone and iPad, the ease with which people can access the Internet will only increase. That means, if you plan to stay in business for another five or 10 years, you’ll likely end up using the Internet in some way to promote and market your services. Starting now just means you’ll be better positioned to take advantage of future opportunities as the Internet becomes more and more integrated with everyday life.

2 thoughts on “The Simplified Guide To Content and Social-Media Marketing”

  1. I saw the change coming especially for the real estate industry. It’s amazing how many real estate professionals waited before taking advantage of the internet, social media which includes Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and more. I have seen agents quit the industry because they tried to take it all in at one time and become completely confused and frustrated I personally feel if an agent takes 2 or 3 venues and becomes proficient in those they will then see the benefits and then go on to include some others in their marketing plan.

    I always remember the saying “If you do what you always did you will get what you always got” I for one believe that the real estate industry has gone virtual and I do not want to be left behind.

    1. The Ibis Network The Ibis Network says:

      Thanks for the comment, Lawrence. It’s true that trying to take everything on at once can be daunting, which is why taking on a little at a time is a smart approach and good advice.

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