How Long Should My Content Be On Social Networks?

You have set up all the social-media sites you think would be beneficial to your business, yet are not seeing the returns you would like. Perhaps you are not posting enough content to grab your targeted audience’s attention or your content is too long causing your followers to become bored. Posting the ideal content length…

How Often Should I Post on Social Networks?

How often should I post on social media? The famous loaded question, and the honest answer: it depends. First, it depends on your goals. For example, if your goal is conversion of a specific post to clicks on Facebook, as opposed to total number of engagements on a given day, then the answers will be…

Google+ — Step 2

Google+ provides a combination of search engine capabilities that can help any company connect with like-minded communities, major industry players and aid in tracking audience reception to its business or product. Businesses can also use Google+ to help boost their Google ranking and skyrocket their SEO potential. Marketers and business owners who are looking for…

Intro to Vine — Your 6 Seconds of Fame

If you’re not familiar with Vine, we probably can’t blame you — the service isn’t even two years old yet. But as of earlier this year, they had already exceeded 40 million users. If you’re not using it yet, now is a great time to stake out your turf. What is vine? It’s a video…

Tips To Improve Your Visibility On Pinterest

Pinterest has grown tremendously over the last few years, and was the fastest social network to attract 10-million unique viewers in the U.S. each month. The site allows users to bookmark interests by posting topics or “pinning” images and videos to their “board”. For more information about the importance of images and how they can…

Professional Google+ Marketing Tips

Google+ has proven itself. With more than 150 million viewers, a profile there should factor into your business marketing plan. While it doesn’t (yet) have the same reputation as Facebook or twitter, a Google+ profile will help you optimize your search engine results in ways those other networks will not. The network continues to grow…

Tips To Manage Negative Social-Media Feedback

To paraphrase John Lydgate, you can’t please everyone all the time. As more people begin to utilize the internet and social-media to communicate with businesses and one-another, there are bound to be miscommunications. As anyone who’s ever received negative feedback through Yelp or on their own pages can attest, it can be a frustrating, anxiety-inducing…

Tips for A Successful LinkedIn Company Page

Research has proven that consumers are more likely to purchase from companies that have an active online presence. LinkedIn is among the most trusted resources for professionals on the internet. Every company that strives for a professional web presence should create a company page on LinkedIn. A consistently updated LinkedIn page will help increase engagement…