LinkedIn – Tips To A More Professional Profile

The Ibis Network Marketing Tips

LinkedIn has become more and more prominent in today’s media savvy world.  LinkedIn is a professional social network that essentially acts as a more in-depth professional resume, with many different options to create a great profile.  Perhaps the best perk of having a LinkedIn profile is that it simultaneously enables people to view your professional skill set while also seeing a list of people who have endorsed you.  However, having a LinkedIn profile alone is not enough to get you noticed by potential employers; you must know how to create a great profile and stay active to gain attention.  Below are some LinkedIn tips for professionals.

1. Set yourself up for success- The first thing you should do is make sure you have a fully entered profile. Completely filling up your profile will allow people to see that you have taken the time as a professional to put yourself out there in the best way possible.  Be sure to keep everything clean and professional, from your bio to your profile picture.

2. Proofread your profile- Make sure that you have no misspellings or grammatical errors before you finish your profile.  Having a sloppy profile can be a huge mistake when it comes time to promote yourself, as employers and potential endorsers can be quickly turned off  by viewing an unprofessional profile.

3. Pick the best profile picture- When uploading and setting your profile picture, keep in mind that this profile is your online resume.  Choose or take a picture that represents how you would look going into an interview.  First impressions mean everything, so if the picture needs to be cropped or edited in any way, be sure to take the time to do it right.

4. Stay active- LinkedIn offers exceptional group discussions and forums.  Find groups that are specific to your field of interest and target those groups.  These groups are great for learning new things and creating new contacts that could help you in the future.  Job listings are often posted in these groups as well, so be on the lookout for new opportunities.

5. Be truthful- Be honest on your profile.  Providing false or misleading information is not only in bad taste, but chances are the truth will out in an interview or even a future job.  If you feel that you don’t have enough experience or are just not cutting it as a potential employee, make sure to highlight the good things on your profile.  Endorsements can help you gain some credibility as well, so just keep your character intact and be honest with everything.


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