LinkedIn Networking Strategies For Realtors And Mortgage Professionals

LinkedIn, the business-oriented social networking site, has registered more than 70 million users in just seven years and a new member signs up approximately every second. Which is to say, if Twitter and Facebook haven’t enticed you into using social media to network and market your services, LinkedIn may be a safe place to start. What began as a way for job seekers to make connections and network within their industry, has become a viable way to build your business by maintaining contacts, making and receiving referrals, and participating in the community at large.

Once you’ve registered, try these tips and strategies to build your online presence and your business …

Join As Many Relevant Groups As Possible: LinkedIn offers the ability to join groups that will allow you to quickly build your network and connect with potential clients. Through alumni, industry, or regional associations, you will be able to locate and interact with people you may not have through your traditional networking efforts. Participating in those groups will increase your visibility and build relationships. Join real-estate related groups such as The National Association of Realtors or The National Association of Mortgage Brokers and start making connections.

Ask and Answer Questions: Once you’ve joined a few groups, post questions and answer a few others have posed. Joining discussions will expose you to even more people and position you as someone that has expertise in your area.

Work On Your Profile: Approach your LinkedIn profile the way you would your physical appearance when getting ready for a networking event. You wouldn’t, for example, wear flip-flops and sweatpants and expect to make anything but a bad impression. Fill in as much information as possible and pay special attention to the way you describe yourself and your experience. Make sure you’ve presented yourself in a way that would convince someone that they’d want to do business with you.

Do The Simple Stuff: Add a photo. Customize your public profile’s address. Use applications to fill out your profile. Link your site to your website and blog. Update regularly. Add contact information. Recommend others and seek out some for yourself. With some simple care and attention, your profile will be more compelling to visitors and more likely to result in a potentially profitable connection.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

9 thoughts on “LinkedIn Networking Strategies For Realtors And Mortgage Professionals”

  1. kane says:

    I have set up my information on your site under Kane Silverberg. Not sure what else i can do to maximise results from your site.

  2. Ahibono says:

    Good stuff, thanx for the content

  3. Carrie Lewis-Bey says:

    Love the info. Will take advantage of it as soon as I schedule in time.

  4. Good tips, thanks for the info. I’m a mortgage guy in Southern California that is interested in networking with real estate agents and I’ve found LinkedIn to be a great resource.

  5. Eugene Wright says:

    Hello Josh,
    Thanks for the opportunity be a part of the group.

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