How To Create An Innovative Facebook Page

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Facebook has the potential to build long-lasting and strong relationships between you and your clients; however, being a successful marketer on Facebook takes more than just posting and hoping it gets attention. Using Facebook to market your brand can be extremely time consuming and involved, but the end result can be immensely rewarding for your company. Below are some tips to create a unique Facebook page to engage and retain followers.

1.) Content – When posting on Facebook, it is crucial to know your audience and what they like.  By knowing your audience, you can generate content specifically geared towards them, greatly increasing the chances that the content will be liked and shared. A good starting point is humorous or inspirational posts, which usually do well with most audiences. The biggest benefit of sharing is extending the reach of your content exponentially. Remember that even if someone doesn’t read your posts, they may read those same posts if shared by a friend.

2.) Discussion – Customer service is an integral part of staying successful in any business, and Facebook’s visibility and reach has made it one of the most useful customer service platforms. Encouraging comments and feedback from your followers is a valuable way to start discussions, and to keep your followers invested in what is going on at your company. When you engage your audience, they will engage you, as well.

3.) Facebook Check-In – Facebook Check-In is a great tool that allows customers to say they are physically at your business. This can help to encourage others to do the same. Check-In also provides direct feedback about products and services, as customers discuss their experience at the location, and creates a sense of physical presence in an online format.

4.) Promotion – Facebook is great for promoting both your business and website, but don’t forget that you need to promote your Facebook page, as well. A direct link on your website is a must, but you can also use your other social media sites, or even a mention on a podcast to help drive users to your Facebook page. The more publicity you get for your Facebook page, the more overall attention you will ultimately receive. Those with larger budgets should also consider advertising the Facebook page on traditional media as well, such as radio and television.

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