How Going Mobile Can Better Your Marketing Campaign


In recent years, mobile devices have become the primary source of social media interaction. As the mobile device market continues to grow in size and accessibility, it brings with it a new age of marketing overall. These devices provide marketers with a resource that is both well established and highly regarded in the social media world. Going mobile can improve businesses in a variety of ways; below are just a few helpful tips for better mobile marketing campaigns.

1.) Convenience – It is now easier than ever to do your social networking “on the go,” with handheld devices making access to sites like Facebook and Twitter infinitely more accessible. Updating Facebook or sending “tweets” (Twitter updates) from smartphones and tablets has gone from being a fad to being the most wide-spread and accepted method available. This presents a huge opportunity for mobile marketers to enhance their campaign and build a client list.

2.) Get Personal – Mobile devices, by design, are an “always on” technology, and most people are checking their devices multiple times throughout the day;  this gives mobile marketers a great advantage. The opportunity to create a more personal relationship with clients because of accessibility and traffic has never been greater. Making those immediate personal connections will help grow your client base, and in turn will help your brand grow as well.

3.) More Participation – Participation is a must in marketing, and the more “present” you are with your marketing plan, the more you can increase that participation. How quickly you respond is often key to retaining interest. Participation will grow over time as people see the immediacy of your responses and interactions. The more acquainted your clients get with you, the more trust you will build.

4.) Numbers – This new landscape of mobile-driven social media infinitely increases the possible reach your marketing campaign can have. Now every person walking down the street looking at their phone is a potential client. This means that it’s also easier for your campaign get lost in the “noise” of the internet. Gaining the trust of followers will help to set you apart, and will greatly improve your chance of increasing your numbers. More than ever, your marketing campaign depends on your reputation as a brand. Establishing that trust with your client base is very important and, along with a solid marketing plan, is the best way to see those numbers grow.


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