Google+ Tips For The Beginner

According to Trendstream’s Global Web Index, Google+ is now the second largest social network in terms of active users. Google+ has hit the web by storm and proven to be a social-media outlet on which it is worth cultivating a presence. Google has promised that Google+ profiles and posts will appear prominently in search rankings over time. We’ve compiled a short list of tips for Google+ beginners below:
1.) Google+ Profiles Are Personalized–  Google+ will allow you to create both personal and business profiles. Put as much information about yourself and your company as possible in your profile to ensure it is clear and informative. Having separate personal and business profiles allows you to  compartmentalize your networks efficiently.
2.)  Post Publicly– By choosing to post publicly you will be able to get your information out to the largest possible audience. This will also improve chances of prospective clients finding your articles, profile(s), and in turn, your business.
3.) Check Your Success– Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to view visitors to your profile, what content those visitors respond to, and what content those visitors share with their networks. This is a great asset from which to learn what is working and what needs more work. Learning from your viewers is beneficial in many ways and this option makes it easier than ever.
4.) Entice Your Audience– Think about your audience before you post an article or video. Make sure what you’re sharing is something that will grab their attention and enhance your professional reputation. Providing quality content will put you ahead of your competition and ultimately attract more clients.
If you’re on Google+ and we’re not connected, you can find us here: