Play and Productivity

Though it might not be the first strategy that comes to mind when considering how to increase productivity, recent studies have shown play to be a valuable productivity tool. This is especially important insight for managers and leaders looking to create a workplace where employees really thrive. Though we often take a disciplined approach to…

Productivity Tips Inspired by Marie Kondo

Chances are that even if you haven’t read her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, or seen her show on Netflix, you’ve at least heard of Marie Kondo. Her approach to cleaning and organizing has sparked interest and debate across the country. It’s a more minimalistic approach to cleaning that’s focused on keeping the…

Can Self-Care Improve Productivity?

Self-care has moved beyond buzzword and into regular practice for many. And it’s not just yogis and free-spirits. Everyone from top entrepreneurs to successful sales professionals are touting the benefits of a self-care practice. One of the biggest benefits I’ve found in practicing self-care has been increased productivity. When you’re focused on maximizing your time…

A 2-List Productivity Strategy

No matter where you find yourself in your pursuit of greater productivity, it’s always smart to experiment with new techniques and strategies. Today I want to share a strategy inspired by the one Warren Buffett often uses to help employees boost productivity. It’s a simple method involving two lists, and it can help you tackle…

5 Morning Routines for Optimal Productivity

Productivity begins before you head into the office or dive into emails. Every morning, we lay a foundation for our productivity in the day ahead. If you want to work with greater efficiency throughout your day, you need to harness the power in those first few hours of your morning. Think about how it feels…

Habits for Optimal Productivity

I like habits because they go a bit deeper than productivity hacks. A habit isn’t an activity you try to remember to do a few times a week or when your schedule feels out of control. Instead, these small actions rarely get much thought at all. They’re automatic responses and tendencies that we do naturally….

A To-Do-List Method

The to-do list is a key tool for anyone striving for optimal productivity. A few months ago, I wrote about some strategies that can make for a stronger to-do list. That article focused on the traditional, single-column list — a vertical grouping of all your tasks. Today, I wanted to share a different method for…

Must-Try Apps for Better Productivity

While our devices can be a major source of distraction, with the right apps, they can transform into prime productivity tools. While these apps won’t save the day if other time-management skills are entirely lacking, they do make a great support for those focused on maximizing their time. If you’re interested in using technology to…

Can Slowing Down Help You Get More Done?

Striving for optimal productivity can sometimes start to feel like a race against the clock — with only so many hours in the day to accomplish all the things on your list. Even when you’re armed with several strategies to support efficiency, it can still feel like long hours and extreme focus are your only…

Could You Be Working Smarter?

You’ve likely heard the phrase, “work smarter, not harder”. It sounds great, but how do you actually do it? Working smarter isn’t abandoning the hard work required for success, but instead, it’s about finding ways to make that effort more efficient. Here are a few strategies that come to mind when I think about working…