Basic Facebook Marketing Tips


Social-media is a vast and constantly evolving world, one that cannot be tackled by using just one universal tactic. A strategy that may work for LinkedIn may not necessarily apply to Facebook or Twitter. One must discover what works best for each social-media platform. Facebook is one of the largest and most popular sites for marketing, and if used correctly can aid in business growth. Here are a few basic Facebook marketing tips businesses can use to help increase sales and build a strong Facebook marketing campaign:

1. Post Frequently– Posting once each week is not enough, visitors may not be impressed by your level of commitment. However, don’t be aggressive and risk offending your subscribers. Try to find a happy medium in order to gain the most benefit from the feature.

2. Use Peak Times To Your Advantage– Exercise caution when choosing the time of day to post something. Before people head off to work, lunch-time and when people finish their workday are the most popular times to post. On the other hand, during these times you do have more competition. It’s a good idea to post every once in a while during off-peak times to raise your chances of being seen.

3. Ask Questions– Asking questions creates engagement and can generate more page views from followers and friends. If you are unsure of something, find a professional within your industry and ask them for advice. It never hurts to gain more knowledge. Also, ask your customers questions- find out what they like or dislike about your campaign or business model. Their comments may help strengthen your brand.

4. Respond Quickly– When someone takes the time to leave a comment or post that is directed to you or your business you should be considerate enough to respond promptly. This will help gain trust while reinforcing your commitment to customer service.


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