The Layman’s Guide To Search-Engine Optimization

  Trying to figure out the algorithm Google uses to rank web pages in search-engine results would take a degree in mathematics and a minor in computer science. And even then, you may be at a loss. That means, search-engine optimization will forever remain a mystery to any of us outside the bowels of Google’s…

WordPress Made Easy: Top Plugins For Your Business Blog

Keeping a business blog can be an effective tool for branding your business, generating leads, and keeping in touch with clients, partners, and anyone else who stumbles across your site. It can also be a headache. That’s why you should be taking advantage of the large directory of plugins available to WordPress users. Plugins, like…

The Benefits of Blogging for Mortgage Professionals

These days, people seek information online before making even the smallest decision. Which means, having a presence on the Internet is vital to building a business in the age of Google, Twitter, and Facebook. And a great way to build that presence is to establish your brand through blogging. Need convincing? Here are some things…

Blogging: Info, Stats, Tips, Trends, And Links

Blogs have been around since the late 1990s. In those days, blogging was primarily an effort undertaken by computer-savvy diarists seeking online amusement. Eventually, they’d become an important source of news and information on a range of topics from food and shopping to news and politics. Along the way, they also became an important way…