How Images Can Significantly Increase Brand Awareness


Sharing photos to accompany your written content can be of tremendous benefit to your social-media campaign if done correctly. Images grab the attention of your audience initially, so marketers should take time to consider multiple pictures in order to choose the best pairing for your content. It is customary to dedicate ample time developing intriguing content to post, why not do the same when choosing visual images to accompany your text? Here are a few reasons why images play a significant role in all social-media campaigns and how you can use them to generate more business and create significant brand awareness.

1. Generate an Emotional Response: Photos are an excellent way to provoke an emotional response from your audience. Your viewers will look at the picture you provide as part of the story. Make it real so people will feel a connection with you, your products and your services.

2. Provide a Clear Idea: When viewing posted photos of your products, or images that accompany your description of services offered, visitors should have a clear idea of what they will be getting should they decide to purchase your product or work with your company. Be sure the image is easy to see and accurately portrays the product or service your company is offering. If you provide a picture of yourself, your employees, your building or your office space, it will help create a human “face” for your business and aid in brand recognition.

3. Use Uniform Photos Across Your Social-Media Profiles: Use the same pictures on all of your social-media pages, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, so visitors will quickly recognize your company. Adding a head-shot, the exterior of your building, or your company logo are all great ideas to help increase brand awareness and grow your social-media fan base.

4. Use Professional Photos: A professional photographer is the best option to help your campaign look professional and neat, but if you simply can’t afford to hire a professional for all of your visual online marketing needs, don’t let that stop you from posting quality images. Use a good point-and-shoot camera and take multiple pictures. Sift through them and pick the best ones to upload on to your platforms. Use your best judgment and make sure the photo is in focus.

5. Beware Using Licensed Images: Most importantly, do not use licensed stock photography or images you find online. Using images for which you do not have a license could result in a hefty fine. Subscribe to a stock-photo site, or create your own images in-house.


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