Getting Started With Social-Media Ain’t Easy

Social Media

4 keys to social-media success

So you have a Facebook page, and maybe a Twitter account. Great, that was easy! But … now what? If you’re having a hard time getting off the ground with your social-media campaigning, then these four tips are for you. Even for us social-media experts, it’s sometimes good to go back and remind ourselves of these cornerstones of success.

  1. Set a goal or two. Are you trying to increase brand awareness? Improve customer retention? Generate leads? Reduce marketing costs? Knowing exactly what you’re trying to accomplish will not only help you focus your time and efforts in the right places, but will make measuring your success possible. Without goals, how are you going to know if what you’re doing is “working”?
  2. Content, content, content. Ask anyone who’s successful in social media, and they’ll tell you that their success is tied directly both to the quality of their content, and to the regularity with which it’s published. If you want to move up in search results and stay relevant in the eyes of your constituents, then you’re going to need to publish quality stuff on a regular basis.
  3. Take stock and refine. Once you have a goal and are regularly publishing to achieve that goal, set yourself a time-frame over which to test it. Are you seeing the results you want? If not, it may be time to switch up your content strategy, or maybe even go back and refine your goals.
  4. Remember that social media is social. Although broadcasting great content is critical to your success, remember that we call these media “social” for a reason. If your followers respond to your content, don’t hesitate to interact with them. And don’t forget to reach out and follow others. This is a great way to see what your competition is doing (and you can bet they’ll be following you!).

For daily social-media tips and more help getting started with social media, visit our Facebook page here: