Build A Powerhouse Social-Media Presence

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While there is not an allotted amount of time that you should spend maintaining your social-media sites, simply having a presence may not be enough. Knowledge, involvement, and visibility are king in the world of social-media marketing. Below are some tips to build social media presence.

1.)  Know your Clients – Take the time to really get to know who your customers are and how your brand can be relevant in their lives. The feedback you get about how your products or services play key roles in their lives will help to significantly improve your future content. By knowing your clients’ wishes and desires, you will be more equipped to help solve any issues they may be having, and this, in turn, will make you the obvious choice for future advice.

2.) Active Interactivity – One of the quickest ways to harm your social media presence is to not be visible. The world we live in now is one of instant gratification, and clients will no longer wait for days to get a response. Take every opportunity to engage clients and show them that, above all else, you are present. Showing that you take the time to listen to, and understand what concerns people, will instill a sense of trust in your brand.

3.) Limiting #Hashtags – Hashtags, or the act of placing a ‘#’ in front of a topic or phrase to categorize your post (i.e. “Can’t wait for swimsuit season! #summer”), were initially pioneered by Twitter, where conveying an idea in as few characters as possible is necessary. While they are great for highlighting certain aspects of your content, too many too frequently can be hard to understand, and even annoying to your clients. They have their place, and can be very useful, but be careful not to overdo it.

4.) Visibility – Social media is nothing if your clients don’t see when you post content. When you make a post, be sure to do it publicly, and at a time of day that is likely to get a lot of views. Timing can be difficult to pinpoint, especially if you have local as well as international business, where clients in other countries may not access their social media during your normal business hours. Over time, though, you will begin to see trends, and get a better idea of when to make your posts.


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