Blogging For Realtors: The What, Why, and How of Real-Estate Blogs

Blogs have taken many forms since appearing on the virtual scene more than 10 years ago. But whether they were devoted to sharing vacation photos with family or attracting business, all blogs have one thing in common. Communication.

Which leads us to real-estate blogs. A good real-estate blog should be more than another advertisement for your services. Realtors who blog do so because it opens up another line of communication between them, their clients, and potential clients. What you blog is ultimately up to you, but sharing your knowledge and resources can only help give clients a better picture of who you are as a Realtor and a person. Giving them a one-stop source for easily digested information that will help them better understand their choices and their Realtor will only lead to more business and better business. It isn’t an instant fix, though. Here are five tips to being a better blogger and a better Realtor …

1. Position Yourself As The Expert:

A blog is an excellent way to set yourself apart from the crowd. If a potential client has a choice between you and other agents in your area, an informative and regularly updated blog will help position you as the expert in your region.

2. Be Social:

Social networking sites offer millions of additional viewers. Sharing your blog posts on sites such as Facebook and Twitter will boost your search engine results and the number of people you’re attracting to your blog.

3. Give It Time:

Many business blogs come to a quick end. That’s because blogging isn’t as easy as it may seem. Regularly updating your blog means coming up with content on a consistent basis. The more you blog, the more visible your blog will become. Update every day or many times a day and keep at it. 94 percent of business bloggers see the benefits within a year. Don’t give up after a month.

4. Commit To A Regimen:

Making a commitment to your blog means setting aside some time every day to monitor your stats, add content, respond to comments, and think of new ways to attract readers.

5. Use Video:

Video is an easy way to grab readers attention. Breaking up the text with videos makes your blog more reader friendly as well as providing you the opportunity to share useful information, educational videos, or advice from industry experts.

More blogging tips from The Ibis Network here.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

14 thoughts on “Blogging For Realtors: The What, Why, and How of Real-Estate Blogs

  1. Denise Madan

    Just finished a day of blogging…first a webinar about all the benefits of blogging and using Social Media…it was unbelievable and a little overwhelming.

    Followed by my first lesson from my webdesigner about how to post a blog and to put categories on my blog. Stay tuned for in the near future.

  2. Ron

    Blogging sounds very time intensive. I still have to make loans. If I am thinking of content and writing new content every day, when do I have time to earn the money to support me, my family and my blog?

    1. theibisnetwork

      Thanks for the comment. You’re right. Blogging can take time, especially when you’re just getting started. At first, it can be difficult to know when and what to post. But it can also be as easy as putting up a link to a news story or a YouTube video you liked.

    2. Dave Roberts

      One strategy that might work well for you is to blog about the questions your clients ask. You are probably bored with answering the same questions over and over again, but to each new client, the answers are fresh and informative. Start keeping a list of frequently asked questions and use your blog as a way to share your answers. It’s going to make you the expert (at least, we hope it does) and might actually cut down on repeat questions in your office. Between qualifying, credit questions, different loan options, what points are, etc. you have hundreds of posts waiting to be written.

  3. Bill Ladewig

    Thanks for sending me your blog. As you say, very well, blogging is a great tool and I included your blog in my daily mortgage upadate.

    Thanks again,
    Bill Ladewig

  4. janiecoffey

    I really enjoyed this post. Blogging has been a significant portion of our lead generation and market share building program for over three years. we are fully committed to the power of blogging.

  5. Pingback: Blogging For Business: How To Attract And Keep An Audience « The Ibis Network

  6. Pingback: The Benefits of Blogging for Mortgage Professionals « The Ibis Network

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