What Intentions Will You Set for 2020?

Recently, we took a look back over the last year with the idea of highlighting the things that weren’t so helpful to us, so that we didn’t bring them with us into 2020. This week, I wanted to take a forward look at the year ahead. What are the things you do want to cultivate…

What Will You Leave Behind as You Head Into 2020?

In many situations, a change in perspective can open up new opportunities. When it comes to planning for the new year, one of the most traditional perspectives is ‘what resolutions will I make for the year ahead?’. It’s a forward-looking perspective that’s often focused on major change. While I’m not suggesting you abandon this perspective…

Why Staying in Survival Mode Might Sink Your Ship

It’s easy for busy professionals to switch into survival mode without fully realizing it. Your plate starts overflowing, and your focus shifts from growing your business to getting through the day. While we all have days like this from time to time, when survival mode becomes your norm, it can create a cycle that not…

Harnessing the Power of Habits

As we approach the new year, there’s often a lot of discussion around large goals. Don’t get me wrong, ambitious goals are valuable, but those goals alone won’t necessarily get us where we want to go. Instead, it’s usually our much smaller repetitive daily actions that make an impact over time. Our habits can really…

The Importance of Self-Discipline

When we look at the most successful people today, whether that’s athletes, artists, business professionals, or anyone else, one commonality we often see is self-discipline. It might look different from person to person, but if we want to achieve ambitious goals and grow a successful career, we need a level of self-discipline to stay on…

How Comfortable is Your Comfort Zone?

Really think about it. Where are you in relation to your comfort zone? Have you been firmly planted there for a while now? Do you venture out occasionally? Or maybe hardly stay in it long enough to recognize it? I don’t think there’s necessarily a one-size-fits-all relationship that’s best here, but I do think there…

The Path to Burnout

No professional intends to work themselves to burnout, of course, yet more and more are finding themselves there. If it’s not a conscious decision, then how is it that we end up experiencing burnout? From my perspective, it’s often a series of decisions and habits that accumulate over time. Often, these stem from a desire…

How Do You Spend Your Off Time?

When we’re looking for ways to improve and grow in our careers, we often look to the ways we spend our time in the office. Interestingly, how we spend our time outside of the office can also play a role in our professional success. The hobbies and activities we engage in outside of work often…

The Law of Attraction: Can you manifest your success?

The mainstream popularity of the Law of Attraction has grown over the last decade with the release of books like The Secret that break it down into its simplest ideas. While I certainly don’t claim to be an expert, there are certain elements that do seem to have some real value, especially for professionals wanting…