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3 Ways Social Media Can Increase Business for Loan Officers

With one in five people in the world using some form of social-media today, the need for social-media marketing is no longer debatable. Companies that embrace social-media as a central piece of their online strategy are much more likely to run a successful overall marketing campaign, and ultimately attract new customers. This type of marketing allows you to communicate daily with your clients on a personal level, helping to build trust and optimize your brand recognition.

Social-Media has changed the way we discover, connect, and share information.

Approximately 91% of real estate agents use social-media as a form of marketing and data suggests an increase in business exposure after implementing social-media marketing.

Facebook now has 1.23 billion active users; LinkedIn has 259 million users, and Twitter has 232 million users. Making social-media a staple priority of your company will allow for a stronger brand recognition, increased sales, and an expanded network in which you share knowledge and expertise. It’s the best place to tap into your customers needs and wants, and generate new leads. Below are a three reasons why social-media increases business revenue.

Businesses that strategically use social-media are more satisfied with business returns and are approximately two times more likely to experience revenue growth when compared to business using only traditional forms of marketing.

  1. Customer service: Social-media allows you to engage with your customers in real-time. Being visual on your social-media platforms creates a reliable brand for your company and aids in building trust between you and your clients. For example Starbucks launched a one-on-one customer service engagement campaign where customers where invited to leave both negative and positive feedback. They also created a separate account where customers could leave ideas on what may make the Starbucks experience more enjoyable.
  2. Brand recognition: Social-media makes it easy for you to improve your brand by effectively establishing your brand’s overall personality — a personality that relates to your clients and potential clients. For instance GE has been named the most exciting boring brand. The company does an excellent job creating regular posts on a variety of topics that intrigue its targeted audience and create a reliable and valued online brand.
  3. Customer feedback: Social-Media allows for you to read into the insights of your customers. This is an easy and quick way to obtain a clear idea of what is or is not working for your company. Many companies are under the misconception that all negative feedback should be ignored or even deleted. This is simply not true. Put your listening skills to good use and come up with a solution that will please the unhappy customer. Statistics show that approximately 20% of negative feedback customers will become loyal customers if the situation is handled correctly.

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