Quick Social-Media Tip:

Know when people are listening and talking- There are documented peak times of activity on social media sites. Once you know these, you can determine if you want to be included in the rush of communications or a voice away from the crowds.

Quick Social-Media Tip

Host Events – Hold regular events such as giveaways, seminars, chats, networking parties, promotions, etc.  Facebook has recently updated their event feature so it is easier and more efficient. 

Quick Social-Media Tip

 Help Your Clients/Readers – No matter what business you are in, you cannot provide solutions to all your clients’ needs.  Be willing to post links, information and resources of other businesses that can help your clients where you cannot. 

Quick Social-Media Tip

Visual Marketing – Marketing is going visual and you need to do the same.  Embed text and your business info in relevant graphics to post.  Pinterest, using image sharing, has broken records with its growth.  Pictures are also the mostly widely used and shared method of posting on Facebook.  

Quick Social-Media Tip

Utilize features and tools – Social sites are increasing the possibilities for your business with more tools and features than ever before.   Take stock of all these tools and learn to use them for the benefit of your followers and your business.

Quick Social-Media Tip

Understand your social media presence- If you care at all about your social media effectiveness, advanced user tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and TweetReach can offer insight into who is coming to your social media site and when.