Google+ — Step 2

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Google+ provides a combination of search engine capabilities that can help any company connect with like-minded communities, major industry players and aid in tracking audience reception to its business or product. Businesses can also use Google+ to help boost their Google ranking and skyrocket their SEO potential. Marketers and business owners who are looking for the most recent marketing tips available for Google+ and who want to exploit the advantages of the site should take into account these advanced Google+ marketing tips.

Take Advantage Of Analytics

Deciphering pages of analytics sounds less than desirable but Google has created various and easy ways to make use of valuable statistic. Analytics are an essential part of any social-media marketing campaign. Google+ analytics can help you:

  • Increase your sales
  • Boost the number of visitors on your page
  • Learn about your audience
  • See what they are doing
  • Trace their path

Goole provides some great, in-depth explanations surrounding what they call Platform Insights for Google+.

Become An Influencer

If you’re going to be an influencer, first and foremost, you have to actually have an opinion. But once you have that opinion, you can take specific, easy steps to build that opinion into influence. To become influencer in your specific field you will need to drive traffic to your page, comment on relevant activity, re-post information that interests you and relate with other industry influencers. People will slowly begin to look up to you as an expert and will rely on any information you post. This step will require some patience as you will more than likely not see results over night. But stick with it — you aren’t one of the Kardashians, it’s OK if you don’t become famous over night.

Participate In Google+ Communities

Find communities that interests you, as well as ones that are connected to your industry. Join them and regularly participate. This is where you can converse with like-minded people, debate on relevant activity, and share interesting topics. Remember, you are a professional business! Stick to helpful and relevant posting when engaging in the communities — but again, don’t be afraid to have an opinion and be bold!

Concentrate on Link Building

Link building can help companies improve their overall ranking in search. Of course, you should link your Google+ posts to your company website, but you should also link them to your relevant previous Google+ posts. For example, if you posted about the facts of global warming on December 13th, and then you posted again about the science behind climate change on June 24th, you should include a link to your previous post about global warming. This will help draw a specific audience and strengthen your website and Google+ profile.

Use +Mention

The +Mention feature was specifically designed to help Google+ users grab the attention of another Google+ user. If this tool is used correctly, it can help you gain the attention of powerful influencers within your professional nitch. It can also help target certain audiences that would not have normally seen your post. To use the feature you simply put a (+) or (@) in-front of the Google+ users name.

If you liked this post, check out our other Google+ marketing tips