Looking to get started in Social Media, or to free yourself from having to manage your professional presence on line? From initial consultation through to regular posts and features, our services are designed to promote your image and status, and ultimately drive traffic and business opportunities your way.

  • Initial Consultation: To get started, we’ll schedule a call directly with you. Together we’ll look into the current state of your online presence and merge what you’re currently doing with our services to ensure that you’re always getting the maximum benefits of your Ibis Network membership and the highest possible return on your investment.
  • Business Blog: Regularly updated posts created exclusively for Ibis Network members.
  • Newsletter: The newsletter is designed to keep your contact list informed with information focused on relevant and timely topics. Emailed weekly to your contact list.
  • SEO: Customized search engine optimization ensures that the people who look for you and your services find you at the top of the first page with multiple hits (Like website, FB and Linkedin)
  • Social Networking: Keeps the conversation going by posting interesting comments and info on a regular basis.
  • Daily Syndicated Content: Relative and interesting paragraphs on emerging topics posted to your social media channels that focuses on your local audience.