5 Reasons to Consider Direct Messaging

Engagement is probably the most important word in marketing today. It’s also overused and poorly understood on a lot of levels. How do you measure engagement and interest? Even Facebook questions the metrics designed to answer these questions. Nate Elliott, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, published a report called Stop Measuring Engagement. The…

4 Mortgage CRM Systems (+1)

A good CRM system (Customer Relationship Management) is probably one of the most valuable systems that any small business can implement. It is a central repository for the company’s data input from the front lines, and in many cases can have more influence on the company and its organization than any other system, person or…

How Is Your Email Open Rate?

“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” – Mark Twain Mark Twain is dead though, none the less. And some day the same may be said for email. Hard as that may be to imagine now, it’s possible there will once again be a world without email. Or at least we may see…

The Failures of Success

Performing on the high wire without a safety net is not a way I’d suggest to learn from failure. Odds are, your first time on the tight rope, you’ll make a mistake. On the plus side, you’ll probably only make one, so you got that goin’ for ya. But in life, as in business, failure…

Does Your Landing Page Convert?

Like many things in marketing and advertising, advertising online is effective when all the pieces come together. Lots of great ideas don’t live up to expectations because the system fails at some point. That point might be the first thing your potential customers see when they arrive at your site from one of your advertisements….

Part 2: FSBO: Loan-Officer Marketing Ideas

There are way more than 5 ways to market to any group, FSBOs included. Part 1 of this article pointed out some of the pain points that For Sale By Owner properties may face. In this part, we’ll look at 5 ways that loan-officer marketing and mortgage brokers can market to FSBO sellers. 5 ways…

For Sale By Owner and Loan Officer

For Sale By Owner (FSBO) seems like a very American thing to do. You have a home, you want to sell it, you do all the work, you manage the process and you get the reward without having to pay anyone. Sounds good on the surface, but the reality is a bit different. (As most…

Keep Your Eye on the Boomerang Buyers

For any one older than 7 years old, you probably will remember 2008. That was the year the American economy almost drove itself off a cliff. How anyone survived that crash is something historians will debate, and citizens will be paying for, for decades. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your take, the credit market has…

Build your Customer Persona

Your business success is tied to how well you market yourself. And in order to make your marketing efforts a success, you’ll need to understand your target audience.  You’ll need to focus your efforts on what they do and who they are. The idea being that if you are marketing to people outside of your focus…

Marketing to Millennials: Front and Center

Millennials are coming into their own, but who are they, and what are they thinking? Their reputation seems to precede them, if you believe what you hear: that they have an inability to make a commitment, a habit of jumping from job to job, a devil may care approach to credit scores and for the most part, an addiction to their…